US IAM Fleet Service topic

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I was just chatting with a friend online who lives in PHX she said the TV news there ran a story about possible lay offs anyone heard anything?
In phx management is counting on the attendance policy and summer heat to provide a reduction of fleet service workers.
I just found out I am not getting my transfer! I was number one to get in and they had two openings. They had requested these openings a month ago and even the local station management couldn’t figure out why it was taking so long to fill the positions. This is what they were told when they asked about the openings , "We will not be filling any openings till further notice".

With the other threads about flight reductions and our financial situation, it looks like history is going to repeat its self again. Start shrinking until we are small enough to merge again and goodbye to Fleet Service in those 19 Westcoast cities.
They were always good for that. What is the turnover like since the TA passed?

Its a different place with the new TA, very little turnover. It used to be a revolving door with people off the streets, now you see the same people daily.
Well, for anyone who hasn't heard, PHX extended the bid through July to accommodate the reduction in flights. I don't think they want to bring anyone into the station and pay them to do nothing... Until further notice... So they will continue to thin us out in PHX like they did to bring the 30 people from LAS and TUS and then bring you guys in when the flight schedule increases.

And then the people that were forsaken will have to find new jobs in a crap economy.

And that's not a crack at the unions inability to fight the unjustified policies and keep these people's jobs, it's a crack at the company that manipulated their own rules in order to circumvent the policy in order to save themselves money by firing people instead of laying them off and giving them benefits in tough economic times.

This is the article that deals with the layoffs or
leaves, anyway you want to put it.

400 jobs looking to be reduced due to
seat capacity restructuring.
What is with this "EFAS" stuff I keep seeing at work? Is this part of the whole "SAM is coming" thing, you know because we're only aware of safety one month of the year? It would appear that the best the company can come up with to address safety issues is some childish, denigrating posters featuring a caricature of fleet agent portrayed as a disheveled, overweight man of lesser intelligence. This doesn't really fit the description of anyone that I've worked with, and its demoralizing that the company spent money on insulting posters rather than actually visually addressing actual health and safety.
What is with this "EFAS" stuff I keep seeing at work? Is this part of the whole "SAM is coming" thing, you know because we're only aware of safety one month of the year? It would appear that the best the company can come up with to address safety issues is some childish, denigrating posters featuring a caricature of fleet agent portrayed as a disheveled, overweight man of lesser intelligence. This doesn't really fit the description of anyone that I've worked with, and its demoralizing that the company spent money on insulting posters rather than actually visually addressing actual health and safety.

"EFAS" is nothing more than "SAFE" spelled backwards. The posters are very degrading and insulting and management in CLT decided (after much h*ll raising) it would be best to take them down. They should be taken down in every city.
It would appear that the best the company can come up with to address safety issues is some childish, denigrating posters featuring a caricature of fleet agent portrayed as a disheveled, overweight man of lesser intelligence.

I don't know who this "Enas" person is supposed to be; he has no SIDA badge and is not wearing a uniform. I'm more compelled to believe that this is merely some ginger lunatic that'd found his way onto airport property. This would explain why he is not at all safe as he's never been briefed on procedure or trained to operate ramp equipment.

Actually this is one of the most laughably stupid pieces of safety paraphernalia I've had the amused discomfort of seeing. It's doubly condescending because 1.) the caricatures are an insulting depiction of a ramp agent and 2.) they're aware of this but consider us too stupid to take notice or too disinterested to do anything about it...
Does anyone else see sexual connotation in the plane on that stupid poster getting a hose shoved up his butt? None of the rampers are wearing uniforms, we don't service that type of aircraft... I recognise this is all supposed to be a bit of satire, but that's what this poster is, a joke.
I too feel demoralized when I look at the safety posters …. Usually I start shaking , sometimes I get teary eyed so I have to run to the bathroom and I’ll just sit on the toilet crying for 15 minutes or so .. Then I get my composure back and can go out onto the ramp (as long as I don’t see the safety posters again )

Also is it just me or is anyone else experiencing night sweats and waking up screaming with visions of the scary vehicle poster ? I can’t get that belt loader out of my mind … it just freaks me out …

I Am of course just kidding , I don’t feel insulted by the posters because I’ve long since stopped feeling ashamed of being a baggage handler , in fact these days I tell people what I do with pride , and I make sure to emphasize BAGGAE HANDLER . .. The world has changed , and I’ve changed with it …

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