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Trash indeed. What should on expect that has lived nothing but a union sheltered career?

Hey bto/pto,

I only check in here once or twice per month...

The last time I logged in,,,,,,,,,,, you were saying something about an offer to keep you (from nwa ) that you did not like.,
So.......Why are you still here ????? Do you like bending over ?>?
Glutton for punishment ?

Especially the scabs that can "negotiate" in the bosses office. That's a real working mechanic. :huh:
Opus I agree, this is the finest job in the A&P industry. If NWA was to agree to my terms I would stay in a heartbeat but with my current circumstances I do not foresee myself going direct.
Ain't that a fact. Looks like you have 7 of them now. And all in a row to.

I don't fault them one bit. That's what most of them would've gotten anyway if they agreed to NWA's terms...pre-BK. Surely yet more post BK. May as well go down swinging, and take as many with you as you can. Go quietly? Pfffft!
Date: Wednesday November 02, 2005
Time: 01:39:49 AM

Has anyone heard from AMFA? When are they going to tell us what their plan is to get us back to work? I thought they were going to explain why we weren't allowed to vote on the last three company offers. We've been ON STRIKE for 9 weeks and haven't had one single meeting yet. What kind of solidarity can we expect to have when AMFA never tells us what they're doing? Where is Jim Young? He took us out on this strike, how come I never see him? I know he's not negotiating so what's he doing?

Is this how unions treat their members? Do all of you AMFA supporters still think AMFA is still so great? This mechanic knows he has been screwed by AMFA but is so brainwashed he refuses to cross the picket line. The poor soul actually thinks AMFA can actually do something about getting his job back. He reminds me of a fawn hovering over its dead mother waiting for her to get up and guide it through the dark woods. Is it true that AMFA has lost almost 10,000 jobs since it began representing the AMT's, custodians and cleaners at NWA? I guess you guys with names like AMFAMAN and proAMFA think this record is really something to be proud of. I really do wish I could sucker 10,000 suckers to send me forty dollars a month for just one month, are people actually so gullible to do it for years and some for their entire careers?
Date: Wednesday November 02, 2005
Time: 01:39:49 AM
Has anyone heard from AMFA? When are they going to tell us what their plan is to get us back to work? I thought they were going to explain why we weren't allowed to vote on the last three company offers. We've been ON STRIKE for 9 weeks and haven't had one single meeting yet. What kind of solidarity can we expect to have when AMFA never tells us what they're doing? Where is Jim Young? He took us out on this strike, how come I never see him? I know he's not negotiating so what's he doing?

Is this how unions treat their members? Do all of you AMFA supporters still think AMFA is still so great? This mechanic knows he has been screwed by AMFA but is so brainwashed he refuses to cross the picket line. The poor soul actually thinks AMFA can actually do something about getting his job back. He reminds me of a fawn hovering over its dead mother waiting for her to get up and guide it through the dark woods. Is it true that AMFA has lost almost 10,000 jobs since it began representing the AMT's, custodians and cleaners at NWA? I guess you guys with names like AMFAMAN and proAMFA think this record is really something to be proud of. I really do wish I could sucker 10,000 suckers to send me forty dollars a month for just one month, are people actually so gullible to do it for years and some for their entire careers?

Yes, they are that gullible, just look at our fan club. Sad that they have to find someone else to blame besides accepting responsibility for their own actions, although I guess they are encouraged not to accept any responsibility for anything because they are amfa members. Their union is supposed to accept responsibility for them, eating, sleeping, working, not working, not paying bills, not working the craft they are trained to work, not buying Christmas presents, ect ect but then the amfa leadership would have to be around to accept responsibility for anything and they have been VISIBLY ABSENT.
For what they've reduced the pay and workrules to the job isn't very attractive compared to other trades. If it was a matter of keeping pay and cutting bene's maybe. But honestly you can make that kind of money working at pep boys, and be home at night. You claim a victory all you want, but working for wages that were substandard 10 years ago is nothing to be proud of.
bagbelt, Do you realize that the hourly national average is around sixteen dollars an hour? When you are making 100% more than that I would say that you are doing pretty good. I don't know where they get that average from but I would say that it was actually closer to twelve dollars an hour. That is what you sheltered union guys don't understand. There are not a lot of high paying jobs out there. Ask any NWA AMFA striker and I am sure he will tell you the same.
It is for a kid out of trade school. I'm not going to argue what someone is worth- it's pointless. The only real arbiter is market conditions. However, I've worked for non-union shops and in my experience anyone with journeyman experience (5-7 years) in a trade is getting at least $23-$27 an hour. Union shops pay closer to $40. I'm sure in rural areas it's less but then you aren't paying high rents or mortgages so it equals out. The Home Dep. down the street is hiring holiday help for $12 an hour unloading Christmas trees. Is it unreasonable that someone with years of schooling and work experience in a trade that the co. needs to keep the operation going could command a wage he could raise a family on?
Pay is dictated by supply and demand then comes education level required for the occupation then comes experience. There are a lot of mechanics out there that would do very well at this job but couldn't even get in the door because they didn't have an A&P certificate. Unions by-pass these fundamental rules of economics and inflate or invent positions to the point companies have no choice but to retaliate.

The rampers here are a unionized position that in my opinion could be totally eliminated. The Mechanics could easily pick up their duties with no problems at all. Then the company could increase the mechanics pay or bring on additional mechanics. All to often we are sitting by the gate waiting for the rampers to marshal in an aircraft. It would be nothing for us to pick up a baton and marshal in the aircraft, then while the passengers are unloading there would be plenty of time to hook up the external power and air. As far as supplying amenities for the passengers the gate operators are perfectly capable of handling that task. The guys that are supposed to handle the maintenance on our ground equipment could just as easily be replaced by the mechanics here. As far as I can tell they do absolutely nothing. We have red-tagged equipment that has been sitting around since I have been here. All we need is the manuals and parts lists for our equipment and a contact number to order parts and we would never have down equipment for extended periods of time. Once again you could then increase your AMT work force that has a much broader scope of duties that they can perform.

I see a tremendous amount of waste here that if eliminated could save the company millions possibly hundreds of millions a year.
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