AFA labor discussion (Work related)

Well, I'm pretty disappointed in the results
Well, it should be a clear sign that your time as an influence has ended.

Beginning the sniping already, before official results are announced, reeks of sour grapes.

Time to move on.

If you think PHL is PIT you may have done your followers a disservice.

The majority, including myself, resent the heavy handed rhetoric coming from a past and bygone era. You do not want to become a liability.

Good luck in your current career and thank you for all your past service.

Hopefully, everyone has learned something from all of this.
I couldn't be more pleased with the results of the election today. Collectively we have one hell of a team that will give the company much to be concerned about. You take THE ENTIRE group that has just been brought in in Local 70 plus the new LECP's of DCA and CLT and what you see is a swift move by the flight attendants (that get involved) to take back their union. This was NOT a time for voting for friends and those with cute smiles. This is about business and taking care of it one issue at a time. YOU WILL see results from this membership. Hop the bus, drive your car or hail a cab and stop by the office and say hello. Wait you won't have to because you'll KNOW who they are by crew room sits and visits. Be ready for a new type of local office. Believe me, regardless of what may be said about Terry, she is a fighter and she coupled with the others will give the company plenty to be worried about. I'm going to sleep so well tonight. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :D
Well, it should be a clear sign that your time as an influence has ended.

Beginning the sniping already, before official results are announced, reeks of sour grapes.

Time to move on.

If you think PHL is PIT you may have done your followers a disservice.

The majority, including myself, resent the heavy handed rhetoric coming from a past and bygone era. You do not want to become a liability.

Good luck in your current career and thank you for all your past service.

Hopefully, everyone has learned something from all of this.

Nope, PHL is not way PIT. Not even close. Doubt anybody learned a damn thing. But, you will see for sure I don't have any expectation for changes . It's not a question as to whether my time is gone. I did what I needed to do the time a DID spend. I'm retired now. It's YOUR TURN. And so far, whoever you are, and what ever group you influenced your obviously didn't do your "due diligence". And please save this post for your future reference.

I don't have to live it. But, the f/as out there keep writing to me about the issues that dissatisfy them about AFA; not management, but yes, AFA. You need to have a BIGGER MOUTH than you have to convince them otherwise. I think there has been some low down BS coming from the Intenrational that delayed the election because they knew the results early. Haven't seen the numbers, maybe you have. You got Kenia there as the International Membership guy who oversees the election. Ex DCA LECP from USAirways that takes the crown for more recalls as the MECP SEC/Treas at USAirways of anyone in the history of AFA. And that was before my time. Typical though that these kinds of scoundrels keep moving up the ladder of the union. No wonder United now is looking for NEW representation, and DELTA is OUT OF THE PICTUER for AFA.

Only a matter of time.
Nope, PHL is not way PIT. Not even close. Doubt anybody learned a damn thing. But, you will see for sure I don't have any expectation for changes . It's not a question as to whether my time is gone. I did what I needed to do the time a DID spend. I'm retired now. It's YOUR TURN. And so far, whoever you are, and what ever group you influenced your obviously didn't do your "due diligence". And please save this post for your future reference.

I don't have to live it. But, the f/as out there keep writing to me about the issues that dissatisfy them about AFA; not management, but yes, AFA. You need to have a BIGGER MOUTH than you have to convince them otherwise. I think there has been some low down BS coming from the Intenrational that delayed the election because they knew the results early. Haven't seen the numbers, maybe you have. You got Kenia there as the International Membership guy who oversees the election. Ex DCA LECP from USAirways that takes the crown for more recalls as the MECP SEC/Treas at USAirways of anyone in the history of AFA. And that was before my time. Typical though that these kinds of scoundrels keep moving up the ladder of the union. No wonder United now is looking for NEW representation, and DELTA is OUT OF THE PICTUER for AFA.

Only a matter of time.

HEY you don't reply to your PM's from a friend?

Say what you will but as an outsider looking in something is seriously wrong
It's YOUR TURN. And so far, whoever you are, and what ever group you influenced your obviously didn't do your "due diligence".
I don't have to live it. But, the f/as out there keep writing to me about the issues that dissatisfy them about AFA; not management, but yes, AFA.

the one area I don't understand.....
Most of the f/a's that signed petition to have MF & CA removed are also the same f/a's walking around w/ posters in their hand at airports demanding 'a contract'. Hello?????

If you are one of the f/a's unhappy w/ what is been proposed and/or accepted by the current JNC (making that section of the contract closed) then WHY are you picketing w/ a member of the JNC?
Here are 3 consessions in areas already worked on.......if a contact was put forth today w/ any or all of these-would you vote YES for it?
1. Reserve
2. Cleaning (nautical miles equates to MORE cleaning)
3. Sick
4. Wage (no more that what we'll snap back to) at end of year...this one was the show stopper for everyone.

If your answer is NO....then take care of the problem first before chanting for a 'contract'.

I will venture to say that the majority do not want Mike and Carol at the table anymore but until they are gone the sections need to be closed. The federal mediator will make sure of it. At this point, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would vote yes for the contract or show support for Mike and Carol. Oh there are a few but not many that could sway a vote. Cathy in CLT may be "new" and quite possibly uneasy about recalling on her own but once the vote is put out for the members to voice you WILL see them gone as she and Terry unlike past LECP's will NOT go against their membership. Fresh people at the JNC to "reopen" sections after this hunk of junk is voted down is the way to go. One reason for Terry being voted into local 70 is she KNOWS what the members want. Her abilities and personality coupled with the likes of Kim, Michael and let us NOT forget Paul and Rick will set the mission in the right direction. Mike will come to realize IMMEDIATELY that he does not run the PHL office. Change will and see. Ooooooh how I can't wait for the first LEC meeting with this new crew.

PS. As for someone off the JNC picketing with us, we have no say in his showing up. He is beside himself by what the company has sent as a proposal. His arrogance and ignorance overflowed though when he brought us HIS proposal of closed sections. What a moron.
PS. As for someone off the JNC picketing with us, we have no say in his showing up. He is beside himself by what the company has sent as a proposal. His arrogance and ignorance overflowed though when he brought us HIS proposal of closed sections. What a moron.

Taken from the Feb 15th MEC ELine:

AFA will be holding our first US Airways SYSTEM-WIDE PICKET to protest management’s REFUSAL to negotiate a fair and serious proposal that addresses the needs of ALL US Airways Flight Attendants

Please plan to attend and show your solidarity and support for the Joint Negotiating Committee and their efforts.
Aaaaaaaah I see what you're saying and agree 100%. When I first heard about the picketing I did state that we don't approve of Mike so why should we march with him. I think it's become less about him and his lack of good negotiating and more about f/a's being fed up with management and their unwillingness to share the wealth. I don't believe most pay any attention to Mike while on the picketline. No, we shouldn't be pushing FOR the JNC with Mike in charge but we must push against the company for the most part. To me, the turnout we see is NOT for Mike and the JNC but for the company to see that the f/a's are fed up. Fed up with EVERYTHING! !
Well, I'm pretty disappointed in the results. So, I have to ask what are the voting totals - shouldn't they have been published??? Transparency needed here.

Isn't anyone asking???? First time I haven't seen it published at all. what's up with this?

Any body care?????? Are you out there??????

Hello, we do care. That is why we voted for who we did. You see, you have a group of flight attendants who will listen to the membership, and work towards their will. After all, the AFA officers work towards their memberships wants.

FWIW, I have seen Terry Graf work tirelessly for any flight attendant that was in need, even is she was not an elected official on office. What you have in Council 70 now is a group of people that can work together-- debates, discussions, etc, will be handled on a mature level, and every officers input will be valued and considered. You have a passionate group, you have a compassionate group, and you, believe it or not, have an "enough is enough!" group.

I'm not worried. I voted for all of them. And I am convinced that they will always take everyone's interests into heart, across the seniority spectrum. That is not an easy task, but it will be done. Good luck to all 5 of them; I support them fully. (Also, as they reduce the huge budget issues in the next few months, be prepared to answer their calls for volunteers).
I don't believe most pay any attention to Mike while on the picketline.

This is not aimed at you in a negative way, so please don't rip me apart. Your statement needs elaboration though. I Don't believe most flight attendants are paying attention to their union period! This is for a variety of reasons. If they were Mr. Flores and Miss Austin would have been gone long ago. I don't blame the flight attendants for this though. It is easy to say they need to get involved. The reality is they have family commitments or other valid reasons that take presidence. This is why they elect leaders to be their voice for them. Sometimes they believe naively that the people they put in place are there for the right reasons. Because they show up and do their jobs they don't notice anything wrong. After all, you have a contract for some amount of years so things are usually quiet until negotiations time. Because they did what they were suppose to do they assume their leaders were doing what they were suppose to be doing as well. The other part of the equation has been building for a few years now. While nobody was minding the store it has been slowly been robbed by people like Mr. Flores and Miss Austin. It does not stop there though. They are just the tip of the iceberg. Watching the voting issue in Charlotte exposed a layer of possible corruption that goes all the way to the top in the international office. These shenanigans have side tracked you guys for far too long.

The good news is that people have slowly started to wake up. Of course your voter participation has remained a sticking point to real change. I hope that the voter participation was better this time around. I wonder as nobody has posted the numbers here yet. Seems "someone in the know" would have posted that here pretty quickly if they were high. Hopefully someone will share anyway. One of my concern is still the fact that the voting was extended rather than rerun for the same period. I think just extending the period can skew the outcome not to mention any possible data corruption that may have taken place. As I said before I am not crying conspiracy on this but the union should have taken any doubt that might have been cast and just rerun the voting right from the beginning. They should have explained their reasoning and this would quash any doubt that may have cropped up. I am still no fan of electronic voting. I believe there are not enough safeguards in place to make this a good method for voting.

That being said it should be a new chapter for your union. You now have in place new people if you can say that. Start watching them closely. Even if you did not vote for the particular players you should still give them a chance. But make sure they are minding the shop this time and the needs of all flight attendants. I would say their very first mission is to try and rid yourselves of the JNC! Hopefully that happens before all of those sections are closed in the negotiations.
Well, I'm pretty disappointed in the results. You guys were so close to taking control of the union with PHL elections. I don't have high hopes for this crew at all. Terry is not a leader, and won't be able to take the lead at the MEC level when she is at the table. I've seen her in action, and she just doesn't cut the mustard on any level what so ever. Kim is a kiss ass for sure, and your only hope is Michael Elais, but as and LEC Sec. it will be hard for him to be heard to clear the entire MEC. Doubt this will ever happen.

Time will tell wether these folks will step up to the plate and do what is necessary to represent the f/as not just in their base, but make changes at the TABLE. If Graf and company contintue the "good ole boys club" , with the nuts who are currently running the asylum - you're in big trouble - for a very long time folks. Once again... "here we go again". cathy Campbell is too new and Mike will have his way. Diane's in DCA base is too small to vote to make change. Mark Gentile is a huge disappointment to me on as the MEC VP. He went to the "dark side" for sure. And that is a huge loss.

So, I have to ask what are the voting totals - shouldn't they have been published??? Transparency needed here.

Isn't anyone asking???? First time I haven't seen it published at all. what's up with this?

Any body care?????? Are you out there??????

Typical response from you! Kim and Rick are the Best from this Voting..I heard that Lynn is mulling a Recall! Really>? What Ever!!

And Why do you Care? Your No longer here!!
Terry was CLEARLY the better candidate in this race. She also won without the help of two idiots running around bothering flight attendants in gate areas, elevators and crew rooms. Terry not only won but won by a landslide. What on Earth would Lynn have to warrant a recall? She is looking like a fool and should focus and collect that energy and put it to good use HELPING the newly elected officers of Local 70. She is turning out to be a sore loser. Well she can look in the mirror and know that she did it to herself. Again, she had two freaks who were trying to vote for individuals and botching the election in my opinion. The ENTIRE group that won are there for a of the membership and restoration of a strong local office and they are HONEST! ! It's been a long road but Local 70 has arrived and the MEC will be changing. Congratulations to all who won and thank you for running a clean campaign. Those that didn't win cough, cough (LYNN) direct your anger towards positive work for the membership since you're so "passionate" about the local ! ! ! ! ! ! !