JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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bob@las-AA said:
I take that challenge,

I don't expect to get paid what the pilots make because I have a little flying time underneath me.
And I do expect load planers to make more because the lives of the passengers depend on it.
Your post was plain ignorant, I was a electrical Forman, I got paid more to run the job, this is how life is if you haven't noticed. But it looks like you ran everyone off.
Wow...... you have a total lack of reading comprehension.
Let's look at my post again shall we?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
-2 huh?
Guess I hit a nerve.
In a UNION shop where your pay is due only to seniority (and title group) and not ability what does complexity of job tasks have to do with pay?
I dare anyone that gave me a 
 to answer that question.
You are talking about different job titles. I am talking about different job tasks within the same job title.
I never said ANYTHING about comparing pilot pay to FSC pay......... that was YOUR invention.
When you are a mechanic migrating up the step raises your pay has NOTHING to do with the job tasks you are assigned..... only your seniority date.
There were people in my shop that had a lot more complicated job functions than I did but since we were both topped out we still made the same amount.
Did I use small enough words for you Bob?
Here, color in this turtle.
bob@las-AA said:
I was a electrical Forman,
Worldport said:
You were also a electrical nightmare a electrical disaster and a menace with a splicer in your hand. And caused more power outages then Enron
Bob no offense but, I have read a lot of your posts and I just don't see you having the mental capacity to run a job site, much less doing electrical calculations.
My guess is you worked in the industry getting fired from one job after another until you washed out.
That is why you took a part time job for 7 dollars an hour with a 9 year top out. You could not hack it in the real world so your hiding out in a UNION shop where your incompetence will not get you fired.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I will let your post history and the video you just posted speak for itself Bob.
It must be hard to walk or talk with two feet in your mouth. 
can we please get back on topic      im tired of this back n forth crap   our jcba talks are in process   was there any update this past week other than meeting in DC
robbedagain said:
can we please get back on topic      im tired of this back n forth crap   our jcba talks are in process   was there any update this past week other than meeting in DC
At this time, I couldn't care less about any updates, the money is the only thing I was interested in, and what's funny, the assoc. had nothing to do with it. Again, thank you Mr. Parker.
well bob  i dont really care for you personally since you are only about money     I personally like the money  but I personally prefer SCOPE above all else   Its easy for the company to give the dough out   the big question is   AT WHAT COST  and we who been there know all to well what we endured   and it could happen again    SCOPE should be the number one thing   because SCOPE is job security
robbedagain said:
well bob  i dont really care for you personally since you are only about money     I personally like the money  but I personally prefer SCOPE above all else   Its easy for the company to give the dough out   the big question is   AT WHAT COST  and we who been there know all to well what we endured   and it could happen again    SCOPE should be the number one thing   because SCOPE is job security
The longer we don't have a joint contract the longer LUS has one flight as scope. That benefits you doesn't it?. Since we already got the money why would we give ANY concessions? Unless they were already agreed to without us or the negotiators knowing. I would like for Tim to comment but I think he's gone too
robbedagain said:
well bob  i dont really care for you personally since you are only about money     I personally like the money  but I personally prefer SCOPE above all else   Its easy for the company to give the dough out   the big question is   AT WHAT COST  and we who been there know all to well what we endured   and it could happen again    SCOPE should be the number one thing   because SCOPE is job security
You can go on about saving the class/ craft crap all you want, and setting up the next generation for all I care, but money is the only motivator, a vote is coming soon so make sure you vote yes!
robbedagain said:
well bob  i dont really care for you personally since you are only about money     I personally like the money  but I personally prefer SCOPE above all else   Its easy for the company to give the dough out   the big question is   AT WHAT COST  and we who been there know all to well what we endured   and it could happen again    SCOPE should be the number one thing   because SCOPE is job security
If your in DFW ya better thing about packing your bags, or one of those other stations that have just a few flights a day. Make no sence to get upset, because it's going to happen. Stop being a chronic victim and man up and except that as fact. Besides that crap pension will probably only cover your medical. But take comfort in knowing that this JCBA will pass disspite your efforts to defeat it. Go for the money bro, your retirement depends on it. Have a blessed day my brother!
bob@las-AA said:
If your in DFW ya better thing about packing your bags, or one of those other stations that have just a few flights a day. Make no sence to get upset, because it's going to happen. Stop being a chronic victim and man up and except that as fact. Besides that crap pension will probably only cover your medical. But take comfort in knowing that this JCBA will pass disspite your efforts to defeat it. Go for the money bro, your retirement depends on it. Have a blessed day my brother!
Why would he pack his bags if he were at DFW? ICT maybe, but why DFW?
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