IAM Fleet Service topic (Mini Thread)

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May 5, 2007
Watching your posts.
Sice the other topic is so long I'm going to just start a new thread & run it through the 18th.
Warning to all NO PERSONAL ATTACKS. There is a zero tol. one strike & you're out. By posting you are warned & there will be no other warnings given.
I would like to issue a challenge to everyone on this board.

Reach out to your brothers and sisters. Send a few PMs. Those on the east make contact with someone in the west. Those in the west do

the same with someone in the east. Class I stations contact someone in a Class II. and so on. Tell each other how you feel through PMs.

I think you will find we all have a lot more in common than we realize. Lets face it we wouldn't be here if we didn't care about our future.

There are also a large number of people who come here and read these post. I encourage you to get yourself an ID and participate in this

Just a reminder to all Fleet…

Please make sure you Vote!

We can not send anyone… Company, or Union a message unless we go to the polls!

As I’ve said earlier…I’m a NO vote…

I will not condemn those who think differently, nor will I engage in debate concerning this.

I place my trust in the collective intelligence of this Fleet Group, East and West…
to render an informed decision regarding this T/A.

I will however say this… the current T/A has been well researched by both the Company and Union…It is designed to “Squeak†by for ratification. They have played on your fears and frustrations, and used them as a tool in these negotiations.

If nothing else… File these tactics in your memory…you will need them again in the future, because they will be recycled into various applicable… business trauma circumstances… again, and again, and again!

You will always , be bargaining for Tentative Agreements from an uncertain…weak…and inferior perspective, if you let your adversaries convince you of that.

I want everyone to click on the above link, and then scroll down to the "Maids"
that are compensated by the IAM Grand Lodge...

Guess what... IAM Maids make comparable salaries to what you were just offered in this T/A ! *($35,021.00 annually)

(* From 2006) More than likely, more now !

Think about it !
As i work in the west, i going to say that there is a no vote from me, there is still alot of fishy stuff going around between and company and the IAM. The IAM as i see it, are just going thru the flow, just to look like things are getting done, well from my stand point they need to try harder, i mean much harder!! This TA is nothing. I know the iam can try a alot harder, the need to get back in there and put pressure on the company and start talking and take the money the ceo's are stealing from us and take it back.

Either the IAM gets back in and try alot more or leave!!!

Just my two cents.

I think it is time for a new union who will work for us not the company needs.
To Necigrad:

You are incorrect. The TA comparison is "Spot on". Kindly go back and review the rejected September TA which allowed 10 Holidays and Holiday pay, it's in the snapback article towards the back.
We lost everything in this TA and gained Nothing except better Union Boss positive space flying.

Also, to Fuzz: The CIC is strong as heck in any proposed merger. Fleet service is the only group that has it, every other group has removed it except fleet service. Now with 3 more additional reports about US/UA merger [what did I tell you guys last week?] it looks like United may pick up US AIRWAYS. I was told a couple weeks ago and I posted it here that the deal will be announced the third week of May.
No way hemenway keeps the CIC in there with a merger that can't bypass this language. Read the arbitrators decision...this isn't bankruptcy and this won't be a band of investors acting separately...THIS IS A MERGER. CIC has teeth.

Also, Fuzz, explain your comments about the west coming into the east contract. I know the company managers are telling the west people this and it is 100% Bull Crap. Please explain this to all of us how this is possible and I will also shed some light on the total BS misinformation the company managers are spreading in hopes of you guys voting for this.

Tentative Agreement Summary Page

TIm Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Wanted to drop my two cents in here to take a quick minute of your time. I just wanted to comment on some of the things that people have been speaking upon.

I keep hearing the term, "industry standard wage." Well, after doing some homework on avjobs.com, I decided to get some info into what exactly is the industry average wage. They state: " The average starting salary is typically around $8.50 per hour and can top out at $20.00/hr. The average full-time hourly wage for baggage handlers is $13.03 per hour, says the Occupational Outlook Handbook." I only mention this because some people seem to be confused about what the "industry standard" is. I am not arguing for the T/A, but I am simply pointing out that this T/A is right in the middle of road. I would love to be on the top of the scale as some think we should be, but I never expected it and never will. I think that some of you will be very dissapointed if you seriously believe for a second that a combination airline like US and HP were going to be leading in industry wages. Never gonna happen.

Also, without getting personal and not trying to attack you, Tim, your website seems like an advertisement for the previous T/A. Makes people feel bad that the last T/A was turned down. Seems like people are a little regretful that they turned down the last one and it's only gonna getting worse if we wait for something else. Not a scare tactic, but I feel history will prove me right. It has, once now. Not trying to pick a fight but just another point of view for all to ponder.

Ohhh.... on a sidenote, the IAM maids only make that much cash because they have a stong union that got them, a "well above industry average" wage in their contract. I wonder where we can find a union like that? hmmmmm......
First off, I'm getting real sick and tired of people saying "The West employees are voting this TA down". This far from correct. I know many who are voting no, including mytself. I've also heard from a few Class 2 people that are also voting it down. Saying this like this is WRONG and INCORRECT!

No, Tim, I have a few "issues" with your TA comparison:

What West premiums aren’t in the East CBA? The TA comparison says they won't carry over, but what are they? I'm aware of none, which would eliminate the purpose of this change.

West Contract

C. PREMIUM RATES—In any location where the Lead/Loadmaster position is utilized by the Company, a Fleet Service Employee will receive a premium rate of an additional $1.00 per hour in addition to his/her base hourly rate of pay for hours worked as a Lead/Loadmaster.
D. GEOGRAPHIC DIFFERENTIAL—Fleet Service Employees may be paid a Geographic Differential for scheduled hours of work, provided that a Geographic Differential is authorized by the Company for the work group in that location. The Geographic Differential will be used to calculate applicable vacation pay, but will not be used to calculate pay for overtime, or sick time, or to calculate payment of OJI or disability benefits. Continuation of a Geographic Differential at any location, including changes in such rates, shall be subject to Company

I believe this is the section referred to by the agreement.
Remember if you vote no on this , and it does not pass , your giving yourselves over to the hardliners , ask yourselves this , how much do you think they will be able to accomplish in any meeting with the company ? We all know what kinds of wages and benefits their going to shoot for ….(the moon)

Either way , everyone needs to read the contract for themselves and come to their own determination ..

Personally I think as the weeks pass more and more people will come to the conclusion that their going to vote yes , I say this because everyday the price of gas for our cars , food for our families etc continues to rise .

Not that this is the time or place for it, but I was joking. I know who represents them. I was just being a little sarcastic.

Now, for everyone else, I have a bit of promising news for everyone, that has nothing to do with contracts or TAs but has everything to do with our industry.

Read Below:

Apr 15, 2008 10:19 ET
Bakken: The Biggest Oil Discovery in U.S. History
BALTIMORE, MD--(Marketwire - April 15, 2008) - The Bakken oil formation, which stretches across North Dakota, Montana and southeastern Saskatchewan, is suddenly drawing worldwide attention.

On Thursday, April 10, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) published an official study on the massive Bakken reserve.

Among the agency's findings:

* Up to 4.3 billion barrels of oil could be recovered from the Bakken shale formation -- a 25-fold increase compared to its initial assessment in 1995.

* The Bakken is the largest "continuous" oil accumulation ever assessed by the USGS.

This comes after a 2006 report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which stated, "A study provides estimates ranging up to 503 billion barrels of potential resources in place."

According to the EIA, the success of horizontal drilling and fracturing efforts in Montana is the reason a decision was made to re-evaluate the 1995 USGS Assessment of Resources, which put estimates of technically recoverable oil from the Bakken Formation at only 151 million barrels.

The Bakken oil formation lies in the "Williston Basin," a geological formation in the north central U.S., underlying much of North Dakota, eastern Montana, northwestern South Dakota, and southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada.

According to Brian Hicks, Energy and Capital publisher and author of the soon-to-be released book, "Profit from the Peak," "The Bakken oil formation represents an unprecedented opportunity to get in on the ground-floor of a bona-fide oil boom."

Not that this is the time or place for it, but I was joking. I know who represents them. I was just being a little sarcastic.

Now, for everyone else, I have a bit of promising news for everyone, that has nothing to do with contracts or TAs but has everything to do with our industry.

Read Below:

Apr 15, 2008 10:19 ET
Bakken: The Biggest Oil Discovery in U.S. History
BALTIMORE, MD--(Marketwire - April 15, 2008) - The Bakken oil formation, which stretches across North Dakota, Montana and southeastern Saskatchewan, is suddenly drawing worldwide attention.

On Thursday, April 10, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) published an official study on the massive Bakken reserve.

Among the agency's findings:

* Up to 4.3 billion barrels of oil could be recovered from the Bakken shale formation -- a 25-fold increase compared to its initial assessment in 1995.

* The Bakken is the largest "continuous" oil accumulation ever assessed by the USGS.

This comes after a 2006 report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which stated, "A study provides estimates ranging up to 503 billion barrels of potential resources in place."

According to the EIA, the success of horizontal drilling and fracturing efforts in Montana is the reason a decision was made to re-evaluate the 1995 USGS Assessment of Resources, which put estimates of technically recoverable oil from the Bakken Formation at only 151 million barrels.

The Bakken oil formation lies in the "Williston Basin," a geological formation in the north central U.S., underlying much of North Dakota, eastern Montana, northwestern South Dakota, and southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada.

According to Brian Hicks, Energy and Capital publisher and author of the soon-to-be released book, "Profit from the Peak," "The Bakken oil formation represents an unprecedented opportunity to get in on the ground-floor of a bona-fide oil boom."
Time to start drilling. Forget the Middle East. Enough is enough! Why are we not using our own assets, and get fuel prices down again. What are we afraid of, there are plenty of reserves in this country?!
Time to start drilling. Forget the Middle East. Enough is enough! Why are we not using our own assets, and get fuel prices down again. What are we afraid of, there are plenty of reserves in this country?!

Will never happen in your lifetime!

Plans all along were to use the Middle East's assets up first, then they when they have nothing, we control the world's supply. Our grandchildren will enjoy the benefits of this policy.
Will never happen in your lifetime!

Plans all along were to use the Middle East's assets up first, then they when they have nothing, we control the world's supply. Our grandchildren will enjoy the benefits of this policy.
OOh Please tell me?? You want to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas? AND want 115 a dollar or more a barrel for the time being and increasing???!!
Forget about your job, and your grandchildren having any benefits, or anything to give them!. :(
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