IAM Fleet Service topic

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hope you enjoying being in the bin with the UA worker with less time making more money with better double time and 2 more weeks vacation than you, but hey you can smile and say I voted for it


That is the same way that I feel, having to be in the bin with someone that has the days that I want off, and they were hired after me. That is why I am voting NO, and will continue to do so until we go by DOH for all seniority purposes!

eh my only point mike is that your one of the furloughed guys .... that means your view is skewed on this debate ... like i've said and continue to say ... the furlough people don't matter , they are not a PART of this debate .... all you guys do is throw up smoke ... i don't BLAME you , but like i've also said , fleet doesnt CARE about it's furlouged people .... no one's going to fight for you , not if it will cost them one red cent ... that's just the kind of work group we are i guess.. so very telling ...

i could LIE to your face and say fleet will fight TOOTH and nail to bring you back .... but it's just not a poltical reality ... you guys need to accept that , win or lose this vote , the others won't do anything for you ...

I think those of you in the east are going to make a serious mistake if you vote this down , I believe that the company will take advantage of you using your 60 day rule and clean house . I think they will hold you into your contract until 2010 …

I think we in the west will once again be dragged down with you into a continual cycle of nothingness … nothing ever getting done , no progress , just this company playing us one against the other for years on end ,you scream to us to vote this down with you in solidarity but you don‘t realize that we CANNOT do that because of our poverty .

Many of you think I and others like me are monsters for selling out our field stations , but given our options there’s little choice for us .. I also find it ironic that not one of you will accept the fact that while we are willing to sell out our field stations , you are just as eager to throw your young under the 60 day bus , a merger is coming , we all know there will be furloughs , but you refuse to address this fact .

I think voting yes would save the majority of us from a dreary and hopeless future , but alas the hope of united money has once again clouded your vision much the same way the COC did , and there appears to be nothing I can say or do to stop you from running over the cliff again …..

Good luck …. I gave it my best , no one can say I didn’t try .

Freedom, you preach how we need solidarity. You talk all about your solidarity for the "What do we want? A Contract. When do we want it? NOW!" rally. These two quoted posts are perfect examples of the most appalingly anti solidarity display I have ever heard of. Hell, at least Canale occasionally has our interests in mine. But you're all about Freedom, and damned be everyone else. Disgusting.

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Ok enough is enough here. This thread has gone way down hill. Certain posters are very close to being suspended & you know who you are.
Get it back on topic if there is anything else to be said. Other wise give it a rest.
This company is not coming back to the table if this is voted down.........the speculations and guesses that they will are false.....so, vote this pos in so as to have to not live with a bigger pos bk contract and continue to lose very many monies every month like we have since this all started.......there is not a better deal coming.....anyone who thinks there is is quite deluded.....vote for pay parity....vote for solidarity and make the only logical choice in these times.....and that is to vote yes......if this doesn't pass, it will be armegeddon and diasters of epic proportions......vote yourself a pay raise and better conditions and then go for more come the conclusion of this about to pass contract.....to expect a better deal from a company that is losing money and during a recession is just not logical or very smart....so, stop being so pissed about where you were and what you deserve and start thinking and doing the math......don't make me have to come out there......
Im still awaiting answers for the question Why is Fleet the ONLY LABOR GROUP in the ENTIRE AIRLINE WORLD to have that 60 day rule? There is no justification to having it except that it is simply an easy way for the outfit to get rid of as many employees as possible. And dont stop to think that if a UA/US merger does take effect, that a lot of the west coast cities and probably east too that will suffer given the fact that UA is much more senior to the US folks.
A SPECIAL PLEA TO CA STATIONS: A lot of you are going to lose
big if this TA passes. This TA if passed could last until the end of
UA's contract following this one. Some of us will have our wages
frozen until that time plus 2 more years to finish negotiations. The
loss of our excelent medical benifits, the loss of security in scope and
a lot of other negatives should inspire us to vote no. We're a small
voice but I hope a loud one.

The east guys in CA stations will probably be voting yes. Canale
has set it up that way by allowing the helping hand thing. Good luck
to guys you deserve it. But I'm talking to the west guys in CA.You
deserve a voice too and I know from the vote on the last TA that a lot
of you are against this.. Good luck All... Vote and make your individual
contribution. Strenth come as much from good will and equinimity as
anything. Thanks BF
Anyone who thinks if this doesn't pass it will be Armegeden and disasters is quite
delluded IMO. As far as the math goes yours might come out higher for FS over the
next three years , but over the next 6 to 10 years I believe FS would lose big time.
Just to make the point does any body think section 6 with UA in 2010 would
yeald less of a contract than they have now.

All airline jobs have been loosing to inflation recently but what they are asking
us to accept is a loss to the normal loss of inflation. And a real big loss.
Im still awaiting answers for the question Why is Fleet the ONLY LABOR GROUP in the ENTIRE AIRLINE WORLD to have that 60 day rule? There is no justification to having it except that it is simply an easy way for the outfit to get rid of as many employees as possible. And dont stop to think that if a UA/US merger does take effect, that a lot of the west coast cities and probably east too that will suffer given the fact that UA is much more senior to the US folks.
Not to mention the fact that they have a no layoff clause during a merger.
Still haven't gotten my PM with name from JESTER yet?

I'm a married man, you know? Besides I am making all kinds of friends on this board, even some offering me to be their and their buddies guest of honor over a plate of Carolina BBQ... if the food doesn't kill me, the hosts might.

So Considers Jester.
District Force,

Is Hemenway coming back? Why would he want to do traditional bargaining and not transtion which is more economical?
What is your take on the CIC? Freedom sez it is worthless, is he right? If ratified, will United be back before 2016? Freedom sez we will just 'rollover' to UA, I disagree, what is your take?

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Yeah Tim, Freedom states if ratified we will just "rollover" to UA, JUST LIKE AWA ROLLED OVER IN THIS MERGER, NOT !

VOTE NO>>>>>OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALL BE LOSERS> I THOUGHT AFTER ALL THE SCREWING this company has done to IAM FLEET both sides you would all be intelligent enough to see the big picture. "Throw the ramp a bone and they will fetch". The big question, are you going to fetch the bone or wait for the prize? The prize is a new CBA with no GIVE AND TAKE.

Outsourcing will begin immediately after OEI. Medical costs will soar. UA Fleet will be at the higher wage for years. So will you fetch the bone or go after the big Kahoonah?

This company is not coming back to the table if this is voted down.........the speculations and guesses that they will are false.....so, vote this pos in so as to have to not live with a bigger pos bk contract and continue to lose very many monies every month like we have since this all started.......there is not a better deal coming.....anyone who thinks there is is quite deluded.....vote for pay parity....vote for solidarity and make the only logical choice in these times.....and that is to vote yes......if this doesn't pass, it will be armegeddon and diasters of epic proportions......vote yourself a pay raise and better conditions and then go for more come the conclusion of this about to pass contract.....to expect a better deal from a company that is losing money and during a recession is just not logical or very smart....so, stop being so pissed about where you were and what you deserve and start thinking and doing the math......don't make me have to come out there......
good to see you know for certain what the future holds, I am surprised you even need to work when the futures market is there for you.....as for coming out there LOL I am sure you know where CLT is.

Ramp Rogue yep some folks are going to get a rude awakening if this pos gets passed
VOTE NO>>>>>OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALL BE LOSERS> I THOUGHT AFTER ALL THE SCREWING this company has done to IAM FLEET both sides you would all be intelligent enough to see the big picture. "Throw the ramp a bone and they will fetch". The big question, are you going to fetch the bone or wait for the prize? The prize is a new CBA with no GIVE AND TAKE.

That's been my point all along...we have been screwed over by this co. time & time again. What makes you think it will be different in the future? What makes you believe so passionately that they will come back with some better? Again there is NO HISTORY OF THAT....

You say the prize is a new CBA with no give & take???? Do you not understand what the term negotiates mean? It means give & take. IMO....with the current environment we are in now it's foolish to holdout for a new CBA let alone a CBA with no give & take...c'mon now...think about that dexter.

I know a lot of us are angry but we need to be able to see the forest thru the trees here....
I guess in your world the arbiters decision doesn’t exist .. :lol:

Arbiters are electronic devices that allocate access to shared resources.

Although Arbiter circuits never grant more than one request at a time, there is no way to build an Arbiter that will always reach a decision within a fixed time limit. Present-day Arbiters reach decisions very quickly on average, usually within about a few hundred picoseconds. When faced with close calls, however, the circuits may occasionally take twice as long, and in very rare cases the time needed to make a decision may be 10 times as long as normal.

Your wrong Mr. Freedom arbeiters do make decisions. You are not an arbeiter and do not make decisions for us either. I don't know where you hang out here in PHX, but my vote is converted to NO and more and more here are changing our minds knowing that we may not have a job. I would rather have a job making the sucky wage than no job at all. Obviously clowns negotiated this crap because RR self admittedly did not directly negotiate anything only R Canaley and the guy from the international. Why on earth would we allow the company to bring to a vote an agreement that was less than what we had before. We are not a bunch of eunuchs. Pat R would never have asked us to vote on this and would have had the foresight to know that this United deal could gut us like a fish without any protection. I hope we go back to the table and our leadership hang strong for our benefit.
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